Nigeria Projects Authority Contracts Division follows the central purchase policy to save effort and money and controls the process of expenditure and purchase. Therefore, the Procurement Department has been established as a part of Logistics Directorate to implement the central purchase policy. Briefly, Procurement Department provides all requirements and services to the departments and divisions of the Nigeria Projects Authority Contracts Division Board either from local or foreign markets. The Procurement Department is divided into four sections-
We have the sole mandate for the purpose of handling all public procurements in the state of Nigeria.
We ensure process standard on tender/bids from foreign companies as regulated by law.
We are focued on transforming Rural coummunity to become urban settlement by 2025.
We ensure security and protection of interest of International contractors.
Our mandate is to increase the quality of lives in Nigeria through quality projects.
We procure equippments and tractors including other products as their needs arise.